Faculty members in the School of Music at the University of British Columbia publish and produce an extensive array of work across the spectrum of music research. Explore our recent publications.
2024 | Musicology
Space fantasy: Nagaoka Shusei's contributions to Afrofuturist visual culture
Author: Nathan Hesselink Publication details: Hesselink, Nathan. 2024. “ Space Fantasy: Nagaoka Shusei's Contributions to Afrofuturist
2024 | Musicology
Confraternities, Congregations and Aural Culture in Counter-Reformation Germany
Author: Alexander Fisher Publication details: In Listening to Confraternities: Spaces for Performance, Patronage and Urban Musical Experie
2024 | Music Theory
Seeing Voices: Analyzing Sign Language Music
Author: Anabel Maler Publication details: Oxford University Press, Oxford Studies in Music Theory Weblink: https://global.oup.com/academi
2024 | Musicology
Edita Gruberová’s Wig: Belcanto Revival and Staging Practices at the Turn of the 21st Century
Arthor: Vellutini, Claudio Publication details: Edita Gruberová’s Wig: Belcanto Revival and Staging Practices at the Turn of the 21st Cen
2024 | Keyboard
Humour in late Debussy: multiple perspectives on “Douze études”
Author: Wong, Lucas Publication details: WONG, LUCAS. “Humour in Late Debussy: Multiple Perspectives on ‘Douze Études.’” The Musica
2023 | Music Theory
Listeners’ Perceived Emotions in Musical Excerpts with Ordered vs. Randomized Pitch and Register
Author: Poudrier, Ève, Bell, Bryan, Lee, Jason Yin Hei, and Sapp, Craig Stuart Publication details: 2023 4th International Symposium on the
2023 | Music Theory
Listener’s perceived emotions in synthetic vs. human performance of rhythmically complex musical excerpts
Authors: Poudrier, Ève, Bell, B. J., Lee, J. Y. H., Sapp, C.S. Publication details: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on
one more way to see
Featured UBC Faculty Artist: Jennifer Butler composer Redshift Records Released November 4, 2023 CREDITS Producer/Réalisateur: Jennifer Bu
2023 | Music Theory
Polyrhythm classification using the composite tool
Authors: Poudrier, Ève Publication details: 2nd International Conference Música Analítica, Interdisciplinary Approaches to Music Time,
2023 | Music and Sound Studies
recurrence (in two parts)
Author: Julia Ulehla Publication details: Performance Matters, Volume 9, Issue 1-2, 2023, pp. 187-204 Weblink: erudit.org Description: T
2023 | Music Theory
Analytical Essays on Music by Women Composers: Concert Music, 1960–2000
Authors: Laurel Parsons with Brenda Ravenscroft, eds. Publication details: Analytical Essays on Music by Women Composers. Vol. 3 : Concert
2023 | Music Theory
Listening to Phrase Structure and Formal Function in Post-Tonal Music
Author: Anabel Maler Publication details: INTÉGRAL The Journal of Applied Musical Thought, Volume 35 Weblink: www.esm.rochester.edu  
2023 | Keyboard
Martin Bresnicks Piano Compositions
Author: Helena Aung Publication details: Martin Bresnicks Piano Compositions: An Analysis and Performance Guide, MTNA e - Journal, Cincinn
2023 | Musicology
Author: Fisher, Alexander Publication details: The Museum of Renaissance Music: A History in 100 Exhibits, edited by Vincenzo Borghe
2022 | Musicology
Hearing the Trumpets of the Church Militant: Weather Bells and Supernatural Audition in Post-Reformation Germany
Author: Fisher, Alexander Publication details: Sixteenth Century Journal, Volume 53, Issue 4, Winter 2022, pp. 915-942 Weblink: https://doi
2022 | Music Theory
Rhythmic and Melodic Techniques of Music in Sign Language
Author: Anabel Maler Publication details: Circuit Musiques contemporaines, Volume 32 Weblink: www.erudit.org Abstract: In this articl
2022 | Music and Sound Studies
Finding the Beat: Entrainment, Rhythmic Play, and Social Meaning in Rock Music
Author: Hesselink, Nathan Publication details: Finding the Beat: Entrainment, Rhythmic Play, and Social Meaning in Rock Music Weblink: https
2022 | Musicology
Italian Opera in Vormärz Vienna: Bartolomeo Merelli, Gaetano Donizetti, and Habsburg Cultural Politics in the mid-1830s
Author: Vellutini, Claudio Publication details: In Italian Opera in Vormärz Vienna: Bartolomeo Merelli, Gaetano Donizetti, and Habsburg Cul
2022 | Music Theory
Analytical Essays on Music by Women Composers: Concert Music, 1900-1960
Authors: Laurel Parsons with Brenda Ravenscroft, eds. Publication details: Analytical Essays on Music by Women Composers. Vol. 1: Concert M
2022 | Musicology
Sound and the Conversion of Space in Early Modern Germany.
Author: Fisher, Alexander Publication details: Theatres of Belief: Music and Conversion in the Early Modern City, Chapter 3 (2021): 87–10
2022 | Music Theory
Polyrhythm Analysis Using the composite Tool
Authors: Poudrier, Ève, Sapp, C.S. Publication details: 9th International Conference on Digital Libraries for Musicology (DLfM2022), Jul
2022 | Music Theory
Music and Deafness in the Nineteenth-Century U.S. Imagination
Author: Anabel Maler Publication details: Journal of the Society for American Music, Volume 16 , Issue 2 , May 2022 , pp. 184 - 205 Weblink:
2021 | Music Theory
Perception of Musicality and Emotion in Signed Songs
Author: Anabel Maler with Heather Harden Mangelsdorf and Jason Listman. Publication details: Music Perception (2021) 39 (2): 160–180. Webl
2021 | Music Theory
The Routledge Companion to Music Theory Pedagogy
Edited by: VanHandel, Leigh Publication details:The Routledge Companion to Music Theory Pedagogy Weblink: https://routledge.com Outstanding
2021 | Music and Sound Studies
Living song : an intergenerational investigation of Moravian folk song
Author: Julia Ulehla Publication details: PhD Thesis for the University of British Columbia Weblink: ubc.library.ca Description: Throug
2021 | Musicology
Tra ragione e pazzia: Saggi di esegesi, storiografia e drammaturgia musicale in onore di Fabrizio Della Seta
Author: Vellutini, Claudio Publication details: In Tra ragione e pazzia: Saggi di esegesi, storiografia e drammaturgia musicale in onore di
2021 | Keyboard
The Multifunctional Pianist: The Recipe for Orchestral Color and Playing
Author: Wong, Lucas Publication details: NATS Journal of Singing Excerpt:As vocal pianists throughout our studies and careers, we all work w
2021 | Music Theory
The cognitive and affective correlates of rhythmic complexity
Authors: Poudrier, Ève, Sapp, C.S., Shanahan, D Publication details: ICMPC ESCOM 2021: Connectivity and diversity in music cognition, 28-3
2021 | Conducting
Out in Front: Queer Identity and Visibility in the Wind Band
Author: Taylor, Robert Book: The Horizon Leans Forward: Stories of Courage, Strength, and Triumph of Underrepresented Communities in the Win
2021 | Music Theory
Rhythmic Techniques in Deaf Hip Hop
Author: Robert Komaniecki with Anabel Maler Publication details: Society for Music Theory, Volume 27, Number 1, March 2021 Weblink: mtosmt.o
2021 | Musicology
Author: Fisher, Alexander Book: Information: A Historical Companion Publication details: Princeton University Press. Edited by Ann Blair, P
2021 | Musicology
Die Soundscape der spätmittelalterlichen Stadt
Author: Fisher, Alexander Publication details: Musikleben in der Renaissance. Zwischen Alltag und Fest. Teilband II: Räume der Musi
2021 | Musicology
Prisoners’ Voices: Frederic Rzewski’s Coming Together and Attica
Author: Metzer, David Publication details: Journal of Musicology (2021) 38 (1): 109–139. Weblink: https://online.ucpress.edu/ Abstract: Fr
2020 | Music Theory
Vocal Pitch in Rap Flow
Author: Robert Komaniecki Publication details: INTÉGRAL The Journal of Applied Musical Thought, Volume 34 Weblink: esm.rochester.edu Abstra
2020 | Musicology
Lacrumae Divae Virginis et Joannis in Christum a cruce depositum (Tears of the Blessed Virgin and John at the Deposition of Christ from the Cross)
Editor: Fisher, Alexander Score: Lacrumae Divae Virginis et Joannis in Christum a cruce depositum (Tears of the Blessed Virgin and John at t
2020 | Music Theory
Interactions of Folk Melody and Transformational (Dis)continuities in Chen Yi’s Ba Ban (1999)
Author: Roeder, John Publication details: Music Theory Online, Vol. 26 No. 3, 2020 Weblink: https://www.mtosmt.org/ Abstract: Chen Yi’s Ba
2020 | Musicology
Die Teutsche Nation: Musical Links between the Habsburg Courts and the German States of the Empire
Author: Fisher, Alexander Publication details: A Companion to Music at the Habsburg Courts in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centurie
2020 | Music Theory
"The Influence of Rate and Accentuation on Subjective Rhythmization"
Author: Poudrier, Ève Publication details: Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal (2020) 38 (1): 27–45. Weblink: https://online.u
Athletes in the Practice Room: A guide for musicians modelled on the mental training of elite athletes
Author: Thibeault, Marina Publication details: Journal of the American Viola Society, Volume 37, Number 1. Source: http://www.americanviola
2020 | Musicology
Music, Pantomime and Freedom in Enlightenment France
Author: Law, Hedy Publisher: Boydell & Brewer, 2020 Weblink: https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/music-pantomime-and-freedom-in-enlight
Art Song Pedagogy and Performance Practice: Re-envisioning the Realm in the 21st Century
Author: Sharon, Rena Publication details: The Routledge Companion to Interdisciplinary Studies in Singing, Volume II: Education. Edited by H
2020 | Musicology
Donizetti, Vienna, Cosmopolitanism
Author: Vellutini, Claudio Publication details: Journal of the American Musicological Society 73, no. 1 (Spring 2020): 1-52. Weblink: http:/
2020 | Musicology
Author: Fisher, Alexander Publication details: A Companion to Late Medieval and Early Modern Augsburg, edited by B. Ann Tlusty and M
Hungry Listening
Author: Dylan Robinson Publication details: Hungry Listening Resonant Theory for Indigenous Sound Studies Weblink: https://upress.umn.edu &n
2020 | Music Theory
Formative Processes of Durational Projection in “Free Rhythm” World Music
Author: Roeder, John Publication details: Thought and Play in Musical Rhythm, edited by Richard Wolf, Stephen Blum, and Christopher Hasty, 5
2019 | Music Theory
Logic Programming Models of Music: A Semiotic Evaluation
Author: Roeder, John Publication details: Perspectives of New Music Vol. 57, No. 1-2, Perspectives on and around John Rahn (Winter/Summer 20
2019 | Musicology
Interpreting the Italian Voice in London (and Elsewhere)
Author: Vellutini, Claudio Publication details: “Interpreting Italian Singing in London (and Elsewhere).” In London Voices, 1820-1840, e
2019 | Composition
After Love
Composer: Stephen Chatman Text author: Sara Teasdale Publisher: E.C. Schirmer Music Co. Abstract: In Sara Teasdale's poem After Love, the
2019 | Composition
Composer: Stephen Chatman Text author: Sara Teasdale Publisher: E.C. Schirmer Music Co. Abstract: This piece is a fast, joyous outburst w
2019 | Composition
Listen, I Love You
Composer: Stephen Chatman Text author: Sara Teasdale Publisher: E.C. Schirmer Music Co. Abstract: The opening lines, "Listen, I love you.
2019 | Composition
Love Me
Composer: Stephen Chatman Text author: Sara Teasdale Publisher: E.C. Schirmer Music Co. Abstract: This setting of Sara Teasdale's whimsic
2019 | Composition
The Mystery
Composer: Stephen Chatman Text author: Sara Teasdale Publisher: E.C. Schirmer Music Co. Abstract: This expressive setting of Sara Teadale
2019 | Ethnomusicology
How Many Kinds of Rhythm Are There?
Author: Tenzer, Michael Publication details: The Philosophy of Rhythm: Aesthetics, Music, Poetics, edited by Peter Cheyne, Andy Hamilton, an
2019 | Music and Sound Studies
Experiencing Resonance as a Practice of Ritual Engagement
Author: Julia Ulehla, Manulani Aluli-Meyer, Delphine Armstrong, Mariel Belanger, Jill Carter, Cori Derickson, Claire Fogal, Vicki Kelly, Ca
2019 | Musicology
Musicalische Friedens-Freud: the Westphalian Peace and Music in Protestant Nuremberg
Author: Fisher, Alexander Publication details: Rethinking Europe: War and Peace in the Early Modern German Lands, edited by Gerhild
2019 | Music Theory
Timely Negotiations: Formative Interactions in Cyclic Duets
Author: Roeder, John Publication details: Analytical Approaches to World Music 7, no. 1 (2019) Weblink: https://aawmjournal.com Abstract: Su
2019 | Musicology
Naming and Singing the Psalter in Counter-Reformation Germany
Author: Fisher, Alexander Publication details: In Names and Naming in Early Modern Germany, edited by Joel F. Harrington and Marjor
Music and the Book of Nature: Vincenzo Galilei on the Conundrum of Musical Consonance
Author: Konoval, Brandon Publication details: I Tatti Studies in the Italian Renaissance 22, no. 1 (Spring 2019): 93-119. Weblink: https://j
2019 | Music and Sound Studies
That’s All It Does: Steve Reich and Balinese Gamelan
Author: Tenzer, Michael Publication details: Rethinking Reich, edited by Sumanth Gopinath and Pwyll ap Siôn, 303-322. New York: Oxford Univ
From Sexuality to Governmentality: The Oedipus Complex of Michel Foucault
Author: Konoval, Brandon Publications details: Modern Intellectual History 16, no. 1 (2019): 217-49. Weblink: https://cambridge.org Abstract
Max Weber and the Sociology of Music
Author: Konoval, Brandon Publication details: The Oxford Handbook of Max Weber, edited by Edith Hanke, Lawrence Scaff, and Sam Whimster. New
2019 | Conducting
Maestro Media: Harnessing technology in the evolution of the 21st Century ensemble program
Author: Taylor, Robert and Girard, Jonathan Publication details: Presented at College Band Directors National Association Conference at Ariz
2019 | Musicology
Lutheranism and Calvinism
Author: Fisher, Alexander Publication details: The Cambridge History of Sixteenth-Century Music, edited by Iain Fenlon and Richard W
2019 | Music and Sound Studies
Korea and the Western Drumset: Scattering Rhythms
Author: Hesselink, Nathan Publication details: Asian Ethnology 78, no. 2 (2019): 515-517. Weblink: https://jstor.org Abstract: This book is
2018 | Composition
Reference and Mosaic Form in Peter-Jan Wagemans’ Opera Legende
Author: Top, Edward Publication details: "Reference and Mosaic Form in Peter-Jan Wagemanss Opera Legende." Tijdschrift Van De Koninklijke Ve
2018 | Composition
Life Has Loveliness
Composer: Stephen Chatman Text author: Sara Teasdale Publisher: Galaxy Music Corporation Purchase
2018 | Composition
Six Preludes
Composer: Stephen Chatman Publisher: Galaxy Music Corporation PDF
2018 | Musicology
Repeated Borrowing: The Case of “Es ist genug”
Author: Metzer, David Publications details: Journal of the American Musicological Society 71, no. 3 (2018): 703-748. Weblink: http://jams.
2018 | Musicology
Rossini’s Operas in Vienna and the Politics of Translation, 1816-1822
Author: Vellutini, Claudio Publication details: “Rossini’s Operas in Vienna and the Politics of Translation, 1816-1822.” In Gioachino
2018 | Music Theory
Tapping to Carter: Mensural Determinacy in Complex Rhythmic Sequences
Author: Poudrier, Ève Publication details: "Tapping to Carter: Mensural Determinacy in Complex Rhythmic Sequences." Empirical Musicology Re
2018 | Music and Sound Studies
The Essence and Evolution of Song
Author: Vladimír Úlehla. Translated by Julia Ulehla. Edited by Katherine Freeze and Richard K. Wolf Publication details: Ethnomusicology T
2018 | Musicology
Racing Ahead: Race-ing Queer Music Scholarship
Author: Law, Hedy Publication details: Women and Music: A Journal of Gender and Culture 22 (2018): 1-2. Weblink: http://muse.jhu.edu
2018 | Music and Sound Studies
The Memory of the Body: Folk Song as a Key for Releasing Cultural Memory
Author: Julia Ulehla Publication details: In From Folklore to World Music: On Memory, edited by Irena Přibylová and Lucie Uhlíková, 1
2018 | Music and Sound Studies
Human-technology interfaces with the tactile metronome
Author: Hesselink, Nathan Publication details: The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 144, no. 3 (2018): 1891-1891. Weblink: https
2018 | Music Theory
Modeling rhythmic complexity in a corpus of polyrhythm examples from Europe and America, 1900-1950
Author: Poudrier, Ève & Shanahan, D. Presentation details: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Music Perception and Cog
2018 | Musicology
The Soundscapes of 16th-Century Munich
Author: Fisher, Alexander Presentation details: Presented at the Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference, Maynooth, Ireland, 7 July 2018.
2018 | Musicology
Opera and Monuments: Verdi’s Ernani in Vienna and the Construction of Dynastic Memory
Author: Vellutini, Claudio Publication details: "Opera and Monuments: Verdi’s Ernani in Vienna and the Construction of Dynastic Memory." C
2018 | Music Theory
Lines in Harmony: Types of Cooperation in Four Recent Chinese Compositions
Author: Roeder, John Publication details: Presented at 2018 Perspectives on Chinese Contemporary Music Conference at Harvard Center Shanghai
Sobbing Cupids, Lamenting Lovers, and Weeping Nymphs in the Early Zarzuela: Calderón de la Barca’s El laurel de Apolo (1657) and Durón and Navas’s Apolo y Dafne (ca. 1700)
Author: Acuña, Maria Virginia Publication details: “Sobbing Cupids, Lamenting Lovers, and Weeping Nymphs in the Early Zarzuela: Calderón
Is the Essay Dead? Research and Writing in the Humanities at a Research-Intensive University
Author: Konoval, Brandon Publications details: "Is the Essay Dead? Research and Writing Instruction in the Humanities at a Research-Intensiv
2018 | Music Theory
Comparing Musical Cycles Across the World
Author: Roeder, John Publication details: Presented at the Eastman Theory Colloquium at the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, New York,
2018 | Music Theory
Comparing Musical Cycles Across the World
Author: Roeder, John Publication details: Presented at the 2018 Rocky Mountain Music Scholars Conference in Tucson, Arizona, 24 March 2018.
2018 | Musicology
Sounds and Silences: Reflections on Sound, History, and Religious Culture in Early Modern Germany
Author: Fisher, Alexander Presentation details: Presented at the symposium The Limits of Aurality, Vancouver, 23 March 2018.
2018 | Musicology
Ballads: A History of Emotions in Popular Culture
Author: Metzer, David Publication details: Presented at South By Southwest (SXSW) in Austin, Texas, 17 March 2018. Weblink: https://schedule
2018 | Musicology
Musicalische Friedens-Freud: The Westphalian Peace and Music in Protestant Nuremberg
Author: Fisher, Alexander Presentation details: Presented at Rethinking Europe: War and Peace in the Early Modern German Lands, triennial m
2018 | Music Theory
The African Imagination in Music. By Kofi Agawu
Author: Roeder, John Article: Music Theory Spectrum 40, no. 1 (Spring 2018): 154–159. Weblink: https://academic.oup.com Abstract: The auth
Love Conquers All: Cupid, Philip V, and the Allegorical Zarzuela during the War of the Spanish Succession (1701–16)
Author: Acuña, Maria Virginia. Publication details: "Love Conquers All: Cupid, Philip V, and the Allegorical Zarzuela during the War of the
2018 | Musicology
Fanny Tacchinardi-Persiani, Carlo Balocchino, and Italian Opera Business in Vienna, Paris, and London (1837-1845)
Author: Vellutini, Claudio Publication details: “Fanny Tacchinardi-Persiani, Carlo Balocchino, and Italian Opera Business in Vienna, Paris
2018 | Musicology
Shattering the Lightning: Bells and Magic in Reformation Germany
Author: Fisher, Alexander Presentation details: Presented as part of the series Worlds of Wonder, Green College, University of British Colu
“Pythagorean Pipe Dreams? Vincenzo Galilei, Marin Mersenne, and the Pneumatic Mysteries of the Pipe Organ”
Author: Konoval, Brandon Publication details: "Pythagorean Pipe Dreams? Vincenzo Galilei, Marin Mersenne, and the Pneumatic Mysteries of the
Claudio Monteverdi: A Research and Information Guide
Author: Hammond, Susan Lewis and Acuña, Maria Virginia Publication details: Claudio Monteverdi: A Research and Information Guide. New York,
2017 | Music Theory
Post-Tonal Solmization for Post-Tonal Aural Skills: Implementing Ordered Pitch-Class Intervals
Author: Robert Komaniecki with David Geary Publication details:Music Theory Pedagogy Online, Volume 31 Weblink: jmtp.appstate.edu Abstract:
2017 | Music Theory
Analyzing Collaborative Flow in Rap Music
Author: Robert Komaniecki Publication details: Society for Music Theory, Volume 23, Number 4, December 2017 Weblink: mtosmt.org Abstract: Th
Top Ten Most Wanted Orchestra Harp Parts
Author: Volpé Bligh, Elizabeth Publication details: Harp Column, 31 October 2017 Link
Shine! shine! shine! from A Song of Joys
Composer: Stephen Chatman Text author: Walt Whitman Publisher: Galaxy Music Corporation Purchase
2017 | Composition
O Clap Your Hands
Composer: Stephen Chatman Publisher: Galaxy Music Corporation Purchase
2017 | Composition
Forever, Remember Me
Composer: Stephen Chatman Text author: Tara Wohlberg Publisher: Galaxy Music Corporation Purchase
2017 | Composition
Dawn of Night
Composer: Stephen Chatman Text author: Tara Wohlberg Publisher: Galaxy Music Corporation Purchase
2017 | Music Theory
Interactions of Folk Melody and Transformational (Dis)continuities in Chen Yi’s Ba Ban
Author: Roeder, John Publication details: Presented at the Society for Music Theory 40th Annual Meeting in Arlington, Virginia, 3 November 2
2017 | Music Theory
How to Create Meter and Why
Author: Roeder, John Publication details: Presented at the Society for Music Theory 40th Annual Meeting in Arlington, Virginia, 3 November 2
2017 | Musicology
Harpocrates at Work: How the God of Silence Protected Eighteenth-Century French Iconoclasts
Author: Law, Hedy Publication details: The Oxford Handbook of Music Censorship, edited by Patricia Hall. New York, NY: Oxford University Pre
2017 | Musicology
The Ballad in American Popular Music: From Elvis to Beyoncé
Author: Metzer, David Publication details: Cambridge University Press, 2017. Weblink: https://cambridge.org Abstract: While ballads have bee
2017 | Music and Sound Studies
Everything in its Right Place: Analyzing Radiohead by Brad Osborn
Author: Hesselink, Nathan Publication details: Popular Music 36, no. 3 (2017): 446-48. Weblink: https://cambridge.org
2017 | Music and Sound Studies
And You, Dear Eagle, Have You Seen My Cows? Reflections of Moravian Song in North American Indigenous Spaces
Author: Julia Ulehla Publication details: In From Folklore to World Music: Reflections, edited by Irena Přibylová and Lucie Uhlíková,
2017 | Musicology
‘Mit singen und klingen’: Urban Processional Culture and the Soundscapes of Post-Reformation Germany
Author: Fisher, Alexander Publication details: "‘Mit singen und klingen’: Urban Processional Culture and the Soundscapes of Post-Reforma
Proper Playing Areas
Author: Graham, Aaron Publication details: The Instrumentalist, September 2017 Link | PDF
2017 | Musicology
Lectiones sacrae: Musik um 1600 in Würzburg
Author: Fisher, Alexander Publication details: Julius Echter, Patron der Künste. Konturen eines Fürsten und Bischofs der Renaissan
2017 | Musicology
Luther, Martin
Author: Fisher, Alexander Publication details: Oxford Bibliographies in Music, http://www.oxfordbibliographies.com. Published 27 J
The Disenchanted Flute? Music, Max Weber, and Early Modern Science
Author: Konoval, Brandon Publication details: Presented at the Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science, Ryerson Universit
Between Aristotle and Lucretius: Discourses of Nature and Rousseau's Discours sur l'inégalité
Author: Konoval, Brandon Publication details: Modern Intellectual History 14, no. 1 (2017): 1-33. Weblink: https://cambridge.org Abstract: I
2017 | Musicology
Composing Citoyennes through Sapho
Author: Law, Hedy Publication details: The Opera Quarterly 32, no. 1 (2016): 5-28. Weblink: https://academic.oup.com
2017 | Musicology
Jonas Losch and Musical Culture in Late Sixteenth-Century Augsburg
Author: Fisher, Alexander Publication details: Zeitschrift des Historischen Vereins für Schwaben 109 (2017): 85-95. Weblink: http://d
2016 | Musicology
Music and the Jesuit 'Way of Proceeding' in the German Counter-Reformation
Author: Fisher, Alexander Publication details: Journal of Jesuit Studies 3, no. 3 (2016): 377-97 Weblink: https://brill.com Abstract: The p
2016 | Musicology
Orphée at the Forains: Silencing and Silences in Old Regime France
Author: Lam, Hedy Publication details: Cultural Histories of Noise, Sound and Listening in Europe, 1300-1918, edited by Kirsten Gibson and I
2016 | Music and Sound Studies
Encountering Life in Sound : Affect, Vibration, and the Architecture of Sound (Davala Concert)
Author: Julia Ulehla Publication details: Performance given for a Colloquium of the International Institute for Critical Studies in Impr
2016 | Music and Sound Studies
Conjuring Ancestors: Moravian Folklore in the Urban Avant-Garde
Author: Julia Ulehla Publication details: In From Folklore to World Music: In the Beginning There Was..., edited by Irena Přibylová and
2016 | Conducting
Inhabiting or Inhibiting? Physical Expression and Ancillary Movements in Instrumental Music Performance
Author: MacLennan, Scott Publication details:Canadian Music Educator, Vol. 57, Iss. 4, (Summer 2016): 22-27. Weblink: www.proquest.com Abstr
From Solo to Section
Author: Volpé Bligh, Elizabeth Publication details: Harp Column Weblink: https://harpcolumn.com
Kurtág’s Aphoristic Reflex: Constellations of Poetic and Vocal Presence in the Attila József Fragments
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: Musicological Conference on the 90th Birthday of György Kurtág. Institute for Musicology, Re
2016 | Music Theory
This Imaginary Halfe-Nothing
Author: Laurel Parsons Publication details: "'This Imaginary Halfe-Nothing': Temporality in Elisabeth Lutyens's Essence of Our Happinesses."
Dual Portrait, in Fragments: György Kurtág’s Attila József Fragments for Solo Soprano, op. 20
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: Presented at the Research Colloquia Spring 2016, Department of Music, University of Hong Kong,
2016 | Music Theory
Superposition in Kaija Saariaho's 'The claw of the magnolia….'
Author: Roeder, John Publication details: Analytical Essays on Music by Women Composers: Concert Music from 1960-2000, edited by Laurel Pa
2016 | Musicology
Verdi on Stage: Notes on Five Recent Productions
Author: Vellutini, Claudio Publication details: Nineteenth-Century Music Review 13, no. 2 (2016): 392-400. Weblink: https://www.cambridge.
Discipline and Pianist: Foucault and the Genealogy of the Étude
Author: Konoval, Brandon Publication details: Foucault on the Arts and Letters: Perspectives for the 21st Century, edited by Catherine M. S
2015 | Music Theory
Dyslexia and Post-Secondary Aural Skills Instruction
Authors: Laurel Parsons Publication details: Aural Skills and the Music Major with Dyslexia.” Music Theory Online 21.4, December 2015. We
2015 | Musicology
Music, Bacchus, and Freedom
Author: Law, Hedy Publication details: The Oxford Handbook of Music and the Body, edited by Youn Kim and Sander L. Gilman. New York, NY: Oxf
2015 | Musicology
A Cannon-Shaped Man with an Amphibian Voice: Castrato and Disability in Eighteenth-Century France
Author: Law, Hedy Publication details: The Oxford Handbook of Music and Disability Studies, edited by Blake Howe, Stephanie Jensen-Moulton,
Performed Listening: Aesthetic Experience, Musical Imagination, Propulsion, and Elasticity
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: Presented at the Department of Music, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong, 6 Nov
2015 | Conducting
Mapping how students conceptualize ancillary movements in instrumental music performance
Author: MacLennan, Scott Publication details: University of British Columbia. Open Collections, UBC Theses and Dissertations (open.library.u
Cracking the Nutcracker
Author: Volpé Bligh, Elizabeth Publication details: Harp Column Weblink: https://harpcolumn.com
Two Harps Are Better Than One
Author: Volpé Bligh, Elizabeth Publication details: Harp Column Weblink: https://harpcolumn.com
2015 | Music Theory
Defining temporal multiplicity in American popular music, 1950-2000: A case study in macroanalysis using multiple bibliographic databases
Author: Poudrier, Ève & Castonguay, Rémi Presentation details: Current Musicology 50th Anniversary Conference, Columbia University,
2015 | Music and Sound Studies
Meditations on Objective Aesthetics in World Music
Author: Tenzer, Michael Publications details: Ethnomusicology 59, no. 1 (2015): 1-30. Weblink: https://music.ubc.ca Abstract: This essay op
2015 | Music and Sound Studies
Early Voices in SamulNori’s Historical Record
Author: Hesselink, Nathan Publication details: SamulNori: Korean Percussion for a Contemporary World, by Keith Howard, 76-86. Farnham: Ashg
2015 | Musicology
Thesaurus litaniarium: The Symbolism and Practice of Musical Litanies in Counter-Reformation Germany
Author: Fisher, Alexander Publication details: Early Music History 34 (2015): 45-95. Weblink: https://cambridge.org Abstract: A venerable
Review of James Kennaway, Bad Vibrations: The History of the Idea of Music as a Cause of Disease
Author: Konoval, Brandon Publication details: Isis 105, no. 4 (December 2014): 829-830. Weblink: https://jstor.org
2014 | Music Theory
Bartók's Grooves: Metrical Processes in the Fourth String Quartet
Author: Roeder, John Publication details: Bartók's String Quartets: Tradition and Legacy, edited by Harald Krebs and Daniel Biro, 81-107.
Compositional Flora and Fauna in Anton Webern’s song “Gleich und Gleich,” op. 12 no. 4
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: Vancouver International Song Institute
Mission: Possible
Author: Volpé Bligh, Elizabeth Publication details: Harp Column Weblink: https://harpcolumn.com
Advice—How Can I Get Better at Counting?
Author: Volpé Bligh, Elizabeth Publication details: Harp Column Weblink: https://www.harpcolumn.com
2014 | Music and Sound Studies
Rhythmic Play, Compositional Intent, and Communication in Rock Music
Author: Hesselink, Nathan Publication details: Popular Music 33, no. 1 (2014): 69-90. Weblink: https://www.cambridge.org Abstract: This p
2014 | Musicology
Reworking the Confessional Soundscape in the German Counter-Reformation
Author: Alexander Fisher Publication details: Basler Jahrbuch für historische Musikpraxis 38 (2014): 105-16. Weblink: https://go.exlibris
2014 | Musicology
A Musical Dialogue in Bronze: Gregor Aichinger's Lacrumae (1604) and Hans Reichle's Crucifixion Group for the Basilica of SS. Ulrich and Afra in Augsburg
Author: Alexander Fisher Publication details: Visual Acuity and the Arts of Communication in Early Modern Germany, edited by Jeffrey Chipps
2014 | Musicology
The Sounds of Eucharistic Culture
Author: Alexander Fisher Publication details: A Companion to the Eucharist in the Reformation, edited by Lee Palmer Wandel, 445-65. Brill'
2014 | Music Theory
Transformation in Post-Tonal Music
Author: Roeder, John Publication details: Oxford Handbooks Online in Music, ed. Alexander Rehding. New York: Oxford University Press We
2014 | Music and Sound Studies
The Ethnomusicologist as Composer
Author: Hesselink, Nathan Publication details: Music and Culture 31:31-44 (2014)
Meticulous Markings
Author: Volpé Bligh, Elizabeth Publication details: Harp Column Weblink: https://harpcolumn.com Abstract: When you rent—whether it’s
2014 | Musicology
Adina par excellence: Eugenia Tadolini and the Performing Tradition of Donizetti's L'elisir d'amore in Vienna
Author: Vellutini, Claudio Publication details: Nineteenth-Century Music 38, no. 1 (2014): 3-29 Weblink: http://ncm.ucpress.edu Abstract:
2014 | Musicology
Music, Piety, and Propaganda: The Soundscapes of Counter-Reformation Bavaria
Author: Fisher, Alexander Publication details: The New Cultural History of Music. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014. Weblink: http
2014 | Music and Sound Studies
Beopgo Changshin: New Music for Samul nori
Author: Hesselink, Nathan Publication details: Musicology in Korea, ed. Kim Sejung, 495-507. Seoul: Minsogwŏn, 2014
Musical Imagination and Performed Listening: Aesthetics, Music Theory, and Analysis of Performance
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: UBC School of Music Graduate Colloquium Series
Rupture/Rapture: Alienation and Ecstasy in Arnold Schönberg’s Vocal Music, 1907-1922
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: Symposium Einschnitt 1914: Tage für Interpretation und Aufführrungspraxis. Hochschule für M
Aesthetic Experience and Musical Imagination: Implications for Music Theory and Analysis
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Musiktheorie, 13th Jahreskongress, 2013. Hochschule für Music und
Kurtág and the Vocality of Silent Amazement
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: 9th International Conference of the International Association for Word and Music Studies. Sena
Review of Sabine Feisst, Schoenberg’s New World: The American Years
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: Journal of the American Musicological Society 66, no. 2 (2013): 576-84. Weblink: https://jstor.o
Materialität und Vocalität in György Kurtágs Attila József Fragmente für solo Sopran, op. 20
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: Hochschule für Music Saar, Saarbrücken, Germany
2013 | Music Theory
A Geometry of Music: Harmony and Counterpoint in the Extended Common Practice
Author: Roeder, John Publication details: Journal of Music Theory 57, no. 1 (2013): 159–191 Weblink: https://dukeupress.edu
2013 | Music Theory
Can musicians track two different beats simultaneously?
Author: Poudrier, Ève, Repp, B.H. Publication details: Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal 30, no. 4 (2013): 369-90. Weblink: h
2013 | Music and Sound Studies
Radiohead’s ‘Pyramid Song’: Ambiguity, Rhythm, and Participation
Author: Hesselink, Nathan Publication details: Music Theory Online 19, no. 1 (March 2013). Weblink: http://mtosmt.org Abstract: This art
Beginnings and Endings, Four Decades Apart: Arnold Schoenberg’s String Quartets of 1897 and 1936
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: Symposium on the String Quartets of the Second Viennese School. School of Music, University of
Widerhallendes Orakel: Stefan Litwins Allende, 11. September 1973
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: El Once: Chile, 11. September 1973. Reflexionen zum 40. Jahrestag des Militärputsches gegen Sa
Schubert’s Winterreise: Interior Landscape of the Barren Male
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: Vancouver International Song Institute
2013 | Musicology
Verdi beyond Verdi
Author: Vellutini, Claudio Publication details: Cambridge Opera Journal 25, no. 3 (2013): 319-28 Weblink: http://academia.edu
2013 | Music Theory
Potentiel polymétrique et réalisation dans l’œuvre d’Elliott Carter: Ébauche d’une approche analytique multivalente
Author: Poudrier, Ève Publication details: Hommage à Elliott Carter, edited by Max Noubel, 147-174. France: Editions Delatour, 2013.
2013 | Music Theory
Detecting perturbations in polyrhythms: Effects of complexity and attentional strategies
Author: Fidali, B. C., Poudrier, Ève, Repp, B. H. Publication details: Psychological Research 77, no. 2 (2011): 183-95. Weblink: http:/
Review of Maria Semi, Music as a Science of Mankind in Eighteenth-Century Britain
Author: Konoval, Brandon Publication details: Isis 104, no. 3 (2013): 621-22. Weblink: http://academia.edu
2012 | Music Theory
Multiple temporalities: Speeds, beat cues, and beat tracking in Carter’s instrumental music
Author: Poudrier, Ève Presentation details: Joint Conference of the American Musicological Society (AMS), Society for Music Theory (SMT),
The Expressive Plasticity of Arnold Schoenberg’s Third String Quartet, op. 30
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: Lecture-recital with the Lafayette String Quartet. School of Music, University of Victoria
2012 | Music Theory
'The matter of human cooperation' in Carter's mature style
Author: Roeder, John Publication details: Elliott Carter Studies, edited by Marguerite Boland and John Link, 110-137. Cambridge: Cambridge
2012 | Music and Sound Studies
Taking Culture Seriously: Democratic Music and its Transformative Potential in South Korea
Author: Hesselink, Nathan Publication details: The World of Music: Readings in Ethnomusicology, ed. Max Peter Baumann, 670-701. Intercultu
2012 | Music Theory
Identity and Genre in Gamelan Gong Kebyar: An Analytical Study of Gabor
Author: Roeder, John and Tenzer, Michael Publication details: Music Theory Spectrum 34, no. 1 (2012): 78-122. Weblink: http://www.jstor.
2012 | Music and Sound Studies
One Fusion Among Many: Merging Bali, India and the West through Modernism
Author: Tenzer, Michael Publication details: Circuit 21, no. 2 (2011): 77–100. Weblink: https://erudit.org Abstract: The relationship be
2012 | Music and Sound Studies
SamulNori: Contemporary Korean Drumming and the Rebirth of Itinerant Performance Culture
Author: Hesselink, Nathan Publication details: Chicago Series in Ethnomusicology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2012. Weblink: ht
Singing Meaning into Lost Childhood in Arcade Fire’s The Suburbs
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies, UBC
2011 | Musicology
V. 1600-1750
Author: Alexander Fisher Publication details: Part of "History of Liturgical Music" [revised from Anthony Milner]. In the New Catholic Enc
2011 | Music Theory
Analytical and Cross-Cultural Studies in World Music
Author: Roeder, John and Tenzer, Michael Publication details: New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. Weblink: https://global.oup.com
2011 | Music Theory
Fluctuant Grouping in a Silk-and-Bamboo Melody
Author: Roeder, John Publication details: Analytical Approaches to World Music Journal 1, no. 2 (2011). Weblink: http://aawmjournal.com A
2011 | Music and Sound Studies
Balinese Gamelan Music
Author: Tenzer, Michael Publication details: Tokyo: Tuttle Publishing, 2011. Weblink: http://tuttlepublishing.com Abstract: Bali has deve
2011 | Music and Sound Studies
Generalized Representations of Musical Time and Periodic Structures
Author: Tenzer, Michael Publication details: Ethnomusicology 55, no. 3 (2011): 369-86. Weblink: http://www.jstor.org
2011 | Music and Sound Studies
Korean Rock, Sanjo, and National Identity
Author: Hesselink, Nathan Publication details: Perspectives on Korean Music 2 (2011): 87-102.
2011 | Music Theory
Transformational Aspects of Arvo Pärt's Tintinnabuli Music
Author: Roeder, John Publication details: Journal of Music Theory 55, no. 1 (April 01. 2011): 1-41. Weblink: http://jmt.dukejournals.org/c
2011 | Music and Sound Studies
Rhythm and Folk Drumming (P’ungmul) as the Musical Embodiment of Communal Consciousness in South Korean Village Society
Author: Hesselink, Nathan Publication details: Analytical and Cross-Cultural Studies in World Music, edited by Michael Tenzer and John Roe
2010 | Music Theory
Anerca: Representations of Inuit Poetry in Late 20th-Century Art Music
Author: Laurel Parsons Publication details: “Anerca: Representations of Inuit Poetry in Late 20th-Century Art Music.” Arctic Discourses.
2010 | Musicology
Themes of Exile and (Re-)Enclosure in Music for the Franciscan Convents of Counter-Reformation Munich during the Thirty Years War
Author: Fisher, Alexander Publication details: Enduring Loss in Early Modern Germany: Cross Disciplinary Perspectives, edited by Lynne Tatl
Featured UBC Faculty Artist: Jennifer Butler composer Track 14. Neptune Redshift Music: redshiftmusicsociety.bandcamp.com/album/cosmophony
Pierrot Lunaire: Persona, Voice, and the Fabric of Allusion
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: The Cambridge Companion to Schoenberg, edited by Jennifer Shaw and Joseph Auner, 120-34. Cambri
Immanence and Transcendence in Moses und Aron
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: The Cambridge Companion to Schoenberg, edited by Jennifer Shaw and Joseph Auner, 177-90. Cambri
2010 | Musicology
Alls wie mann inn krieg pflegt zue thuen: Music and Catholic Processions in Counter-Reformation Augsburg
Author: Fisher, Alexander Publication details: City Limits: Perspectives on the Historical European City, edited by Glenn Clark, et al., 25
2010 | Music Theory
Early Music and the Ambivalent Origins of Elisabeth Lutyens’s Modernism.
Author: Laurel Parsons Publication details: “Early Music and the Ambivalent Origins of Elisabeth Lutyens’s Modernism.” British Music
2009 | Composition
Reference and Mosaic Form in Peter-Jan Wagemanss Opera Legende
Author: Top, Edward Publication details: Reference and Mosaic Form in Peter-Jan Wagemanss Opera Legende, Deel 59, No. 2 (2009), pp. 157-184
2009 | Composition
Expectation and Treatment of Dissonance in Wolfgang Rihm's Third String Quartet
Author: Top, Edward Publication details: Dutch Journal of Music Theory 14, no. 3 (2009): 143-54. Weblink: https://lup.be Abstract: In his Th
Different Stones
Featured UBC Faculty Artist: Jennifer Butler composer Track 3. Sky Redshift Music: redshiftmusicsociety.bandcamp.com/album/differe
Gestures and Pathways in György Kurtág’s Kafka Fragments, op. 24
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: School of Music, University of Washington, 16 January 2009
2009 | Musicology
Edition of Anton Holzner, Viretum pierium
Author: Fisher, Alexander Publication details: (Munich: Nikolaus Heinrich, 1621). Recent Researches in the Music of the Baroque Era
2009 | Music Theory
Archivists meet Artists: InterPARES Insights into Authenticity
Author: Roeder, John Publication details: Art, Conservation, and Authenticities: Material, Concept, Context, ed. Erma Hermens and Tina Fis
2009 | Music and Sound Studies
‘Yŏngdong Nongak’: Mountains, Music, and the SamulNori Canon
Author: Hesselink, Nathan Publication details: Acta Koreana 12.1:1-26 (2009) Weblink: www.earticle.net
2009 | Music Theory
A Transformational Space Structuring the Counterpoint in Adès’s “Auf dem Wasser zu singen”
Author: Roeder, John Publication details: Music Theory Online 15/1 Weblink: http://www.mtosmt.org Abstract: The third movement of Thomas
Review of Michael Cherlin, Schoenberg’s Musical Imagination
Author: Kurth, Richard Publications detail: Journal of the American Musicological Society 62/1: 243-252 Weblink: http://www.jstor.org.ez
2009 | Music Theory
Local polymetric structures in Elliott Carter’s 90+ for piano (1994)
Author: Poudrier, Ève Publication details: Modernist legacy: Essays on new music, edited by Björn Heile, Aldershot, 205-223. England: As
2009 | Music Theory
Constructing Transformational Signification: Gesture and Agency in Bartók's Scherzo, Op. 14, No. 2, mm. 1-32
Author: Roeder, John Publication details: Music Theory Online 15/1 Weblink: www.mtosmt.org Abstract: David Lewin's didactic examples of t
Interacting Solitudes: Analytical and Interpretive Approaches to György Kurtág’s Kafka Fragments
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: Department of Music, University of Chicago, 5 December 2008
2008 | Musicology
'Tout, dans ses charmes, est dangereux': music, gesture and the dangers of French pantomime, 1748—1775
Author: Law, Hedy Publication details: Cambridge Opera Journal 20, no. 3 (2008): 241-268. Weblink: https://www.jstor.org Abstract: In 1779 C
Multiple Modes of Continuity and Coherence in Schoenberg’s Piano Piece, Op. 11, No.1
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: Musical Currents from the Left Coast, ed. Jack Boss and Bruce Quaglia. Newcastle: Cambridge Sc
2008 | Music Theory
Part Three—Authenticity, Reliability and Accuracy of Digital Records in the Artistic, Scientific and Governmental Sectors: Domain 2 Task Force Report
Author: Roeder, John, Eppard, Philip, Underwood, William, and Lauriault, Tracey Publication details: International Research on Permanent A
2008 | Music and Sound Studies
Music and Politics on the Korean Peninsula. Special Volume of The World of Music
Editor: Hesselink, Nathan Publication details: Berlin: Verlag für Wissenschaft und Bildung Weblink: http://www.journal-the-world-of-musi
2008 | Music and Sound Studies
Music and Politics on the Korean Peninsula
Author: Hesselink, Nathan Publication details: The World of Music 49.3:7-12 (2008) Weblink: www.jstor.org
2008 | Musicology
Celestial Sirens and Nightingales: Change and Assimilation in the Munich Anthologies of Georg Victorinus
Author: Fisher, Alexander Publication details: Journal of Seventeenth-Century Music 14, no. 1 Weblink: http://sscm-jscm.org Abstract: Th
2008 | Music and Sound Studies
Coming to the City: SamulNori and 1970s’ Korean Music Culture
Author: Hesselink, Nathan Publication details: Mandang Yi Hyegu paksa paeksu songch’uk nonmunjip (Essays on Music Offered to Dr. Lee Hye
2008 | Music Theory
A transformational space for Elliott Carter's recent complement-union music
Author: Roeder, John Publication details: Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS). Vol. 37, pp. 300-307 Weblink: http:/
2008 | Music Theory
Elliott Carter: A centennial portrait in letters and documents
Author: Poudrier, Ève Publication details: Journal of the Society for American Music (2010) Volume 4, Number 1. Pp. 104–110 Weblink: h
2008 | Music Theory
Vincent d’Indy’s theory of rhythm in the Cours de composition musicale (1902-1950): Sources, Reception, and Legacy
Author: Poudrier, Ève Presentation details: Joint Conference of the American Musicological Society (AMS) and Society for Music Theory (SM
2008 | Musicology
Combinatorial Modeling in the Chorus Movement of Cantata 24, Ein ungefärbt Gemüte.”
Author: Fisher, Alexander Publication details: About Bach, edited by Gregory G. Butler, Mary Dalton Greer, and George B. Stauffer, 35–52.
Delicate Fires
Featured UBC Faculty Artist: Jennifer Butler composer Track 5. For Dreams of Things Which Cannot Be Redshift Music: redshiftmusicsociety.b
Dimensions of Parody in Pierrot Lunaire
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: Department of Music, Yale University
Networks of Reference in Schoenberg’s Three Piano Pieces, Op. 11
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: West Coast Conference of Music Theory and Analysis. University of Utah, Salt Lake City
2007 | Music Theory
Review of Franck Jedrzejewski's Mathematical Theory of Music
Author: Roeder, John Publication details: Journal of Mathematics and Music 1/3: 191-198 Weblink: http://www.tandfonline.com
2007 | Music and Sound Studies
SamulNori, Wŏn-Pang-Kak, and Cosmological Didacticism
Author: Hesselink, Nathan Publication details: Yearbook for Traditional Music 39:140-61 (2007) Weblink: www.jstor.org
2007 | Music and Sound Studies
Pungmul and Samulnori
Author: Hesselink, Nathan Publication details: Music of Korea, ed. Byong Won Lee and Yongshik Lee, 93-104. Korean Musicology Series 1. Seo
2007 | Musicology
'Per mia particolare devotione': Orlando di Lasso’s Lagrime di San Pietro and Jesuit Spirituality in Counter-Reformation Munich
Author: Fisher, Alexander Publication details: Journal of the Royal Musical Association 132 (2007): 167–220 Weblink: http://www.jstor.
2007 | Music and Sound Studies
Taking Culture Seriously: Democratic Music and its Transformative Potential in South Korea
Author: Hesselink, Nathan Publication details: The World of Music 49, no. 3 (2007): 75-106. Weblink: https://jstor.org Abstract: This arti
2007 | Musicology
Music and Religious Change
Author: Fisher, Alexander Publication details: Reform and Expansion, 1500–1660, edited by R. Po-Chia Hsia. The Cambridge History of Chris
2006 | Music Theory
Co-operating Continuities in the Music of Thomas Adès
Author: Roeder, John Publication details: Music Analysis 25/1-2: 125-154 Weblink: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com Abstract: Jonathan Kram
2006 | Music Theory
Triadic Transformation and Parsimonious Voice Leading in Some Interesting Passages by Gavin Bryars
Author: Roeder, John Publication details: Intégral 20:43-67 Weblink: https://www.jstor.org
2006 | Music Theory
Autonomy and Dialog in Elliott Carter's 'Enchanted Preludes
Author: Roeder, John Publication details: Analytical Studies in World Music. Ed. Michael Tenzer. New York: Oxford. Weblink: http://www.ox
Twelve-Tone Compositional Strategies and Poetic Signification in Schönberg's Vier Stücke für gemischten Chor, op. 27
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: Journal of the Arnold Schönberg Center 7: 157-186. Download: PDF
2006 | Music Theory
Co-operating Continuities in the Music of Thomas Adès
Author: Roeder, John Publication details: Music Analysis 25/1-2: 125-154 Weblink: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com Abstract: Jonathan Kram
2006 | Music and Sound Studies
Analytical Studies in World Music
Author: Tenzer, Michael Publication details: New York: Oxford. 434 pages. Weblink: https://global.oup.com
2006 | Music and Sound Studies
P’ungmul: Han’guk ŭi puk nori-wa ch’um (P’ungmul: South Korean Drumming and Dance)
Author: Hesselink, Nathan Publication details: Chicago Series in Ethnomusicology. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 2006. [Winner of 2008 L
2006 | Music and Sound Studies
‘The Formation of Namsadang (Korean Itinerant Performer) Troupes’: Chapter One A Study of Namsadang Troupes
Translated, edited, and with an Introduction by: Hesselink, Nathan Publication details: Acta Koreana 9.2:31-57 (2006) Weblink: www.eartic
2005 | Music Theory
La conservazione a lungo termine dell'autenticitá di composizioni digitali interattive: la ricerce di InterPARES 2
Author: Roeder, John and Duranti, Luciana Publication details: Archivi e Computer 15/3: 45-62 Weblink: http://www.interpares.org
2005 | Music and Sound Studies
Author: Hesselink, Nathan Publication details: Wagner's Lexical Tonality, Jonathan Petty, i-iii. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2005 We
What Does Science Have to Do with Music?
Author: Konoval, Brandon Publication details: Annals of Science 2005 Weblink: http://www.academia.edu
2005 | Musicology
Salminger, Sigmund
Author: Fisher, Alexander Publication details: Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart, 2d ed., Personenteil 14:867–8. Kassel: Bäre
2005 | Music Theory
Time Management with ‘Twelve-Tone Lizzie’: Dramatic Functions of Meter in a Scene from Elisabeth Lutyens’s Music Drama The Numbered
Author: Laurel Parsons Publication details: Time Management with "Twelve-Tone Lizzie": Dramatic Functions of Meter in a Scene from Elisabeth
Twelve-Tone Compositional Strategies and Poetic Signification in Schönberg's Four Pieces for Mixed Choir, op. 27
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: Symposium Arnold Schönberg's Brilliant Moves. Arnold Schönberg Center, Vienna
Transcendence and Immanence in the Compositional Fabric of Schönberg's Moses und Aron
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: Symposium Arnold Schönbergs Moses und Aron—Aufgabe des Übersetzens, sponsored by the Wisse
2004 | Music Theory
Rhythmic Process and Form in Bartók's 'Syncopation'
Author: Roeder, John Publication details: College Music Symposium, Vol. 44 (2004), pp. 43-57 Weblink: http://www.jstor.org
2004 | Music Theory
Preserving authentic interactive digital artworks: case studies from the InterPARES project
Author: Roeder, John Publication details: International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meeting: Proceedings from ichim04 (Berlin). CD-ROM.
2004 | Music and Sound Studies
Landscape and Soundscape: Geomantic Spatial Mapping in Korean Traditional Music
Author: Hesselink, Nathan and Petty, Jonathan Publication details: Journal of Musicological Research 23.3/4:265-88 (2004) Weblink: www.t
2004 | Music and Sound Studies
Samul nori as Traditional: Preservation and Innovation in a South Korean Contemporary Percussion Genre
Author: Hesselink, Nathan Publication details: Ethnomusicology 48.3:405-39 (2004) Weblink: www.jstor.org
2004 | Musicology
Music and Religious Identity in Counter-Reformation Augsburg, 1580–1630
Author: Fisher, Alexander Publication details: St. Andrews Studies in Reformation History. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing, 2004. Weblink:
2003 | Music and Sound Studies
José Maceda and the Paradoxes of Modern Composition in Southeast Asia
Author: Tenzer, Michael Publication details: Ethnomusicology 47/1: 93-120 Weblink: http://www.jstor.org
2003 | Music and Sound Studies
Kil kunak ch’ilch’ae (Seven-Stroke Road Military Music) Rhythmic Pattern: P’ungmul and the Bridging of the North-South Divide
Author: Hesselink, Nathan Publication details: Tongyang ŭmak [Asian Music] 25:111-27 (2003)
2003 | Music Theory
The Craft of Hybrid Composition: Meter, Tonality, and Grouping in Michael Torke's 'Adjustable Wrench'
Author: Roeder, John Publication details: Perspectives of New Music 41/2: 120-158. Weblink: https://www.jstor.org
2003 | Music Theory
Beat-Class Modulation in Steve Reich's Music
Author: Roeder, John Publication details: Music Theory Spectrum 25/2: 275 - 304 Weblink: http://www.jstor.org Abstract: A beat-class mode
Schoenberg and the Prejudices of His Time
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: Symposium Questioni di Gender e di Policulturalismo nel Novecento di Schoenberg e di Nono. Fon
Forbidden Images
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: Keynote address. Pacific Northwest Music Graduate Students' Conference. Hosted by the UBC Scho
Schönberg and the Bilderverbot
June 2002. "Schönberg and the Bilderverbot." Symposium Arnold Schönberg and His God. Arnold Schönberg Center, Vienna. Author: Kurth, Ric
Some Combinatorial Properties and Computational Problems in Twelve-Tone Music
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: UBC Computer Science Department.
2002 | Musicology
"Fugger" [family of bankers and music patrons]
Author: Fisher, Alexander Publication details: Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart, 2d ed., Personenteil 7:246–52. Kassel: Bäre
2002 | Musicology
Edition of Rudolph di Lasso, Virginalia Eucharistica
Author: Fisher, Alexander Publication details: (Munich: Nikolaus Heinrich, 1615). Recent Researches in the Music of the Baroque Er
The Art of Cadence in Schönberg's Fourth Quartet: Metric Discourse or Dialectic?
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: Journal of the Arnold Schönberg Center 4: 245-270 Download: PDF
2002 | Music and Sound Studies
Modernization, Urbanization, and the Re-emergence of the Professional Korean Folk Musician
Author: Hesselink, Nathan Publication details: Han'guk ŭmaksa hakpo [Journal of the Society for Korean Historico-Musicology] 29:519-49 (2
2002 | Musicology
Narratives of Middle Eastern Music History
Author: Fisher, Alexander and Dr. Virginia Danielson Publication details: The Middle East, 15–27. The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music
2001 | Musicology
Song, Confession, and Criminality: Trial Records as Sources for Popular Musical Culture in Early Modern Europe
Author: Fisher, Alexander Publication details: Journal of Musicology 18, no. 4 (Fall 2001): 616–57 Weblink: http://www.jstor.org/stable
Rhythmic and Metric Aspects of the Art of Cadence in Schönberg's Fourth Quartet, op. 37
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: Symposium Arnold Schönberg in America. Arnold Schönberg Center, Vienna
Suspended Tonalities in Schönberg's Twelve-Tone Compositions
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: Journal of the Arnold Schönberg Center 3: 239-265 Download: PDF
2001 | Music Theory
Pulse Streams and Problems of Grouping and Metrical Dissonance in Bartók’s “With Drums and Pipes”
Author: Roeder, John Publication details: Music Theory Online 7, no. 1 (2001) Weblink: http://mtosmt.org Abstract: Polyphony has many int
2001 | Music Theory
"Set" (2000 words); "Interval Class" (400 words); "Pitch Class" (250 words)
Author: Roeder, John Publication details: New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 2d ed. London: Macmillan Reference, Ltd. Weblink:
2001 | Music and Sound Studies
Contemporary Directions: Korean Folk Music Engaging the Twentieth Century and Beyond
Editor: Hesselink, Nathan Publication details: Korea Research Monograph 27. Berkeley: University of California Press Weblink: https://mus
On the Road with ‘Och’ae Chilgut’: Stages in the Development of Korean Percussion Band Music and Dance
Author: Hesselink, Nathan Publication details: Contemporary Directions: Korean Folk Music Engaging the Twentieth Century and Beyond, ed. N
2001 | Music and Sound Studies
‘P’ungmul is Played with Your Heel!’: Dance as a Determinant of Rhythmic Construct in Korean Percussion Band Music/Dance
Author: Hesselink, Nathan Publication details: Music and Culture 4:99-110 (2001)
A Partition-Lattice Model of Prolongation and Progression in Twelve-Tone Music
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: Annual Meeting of the Society for Music Theory. Toronto.
Suspended Tonalities in Schönberg's Twelve-Tone Compositions
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: Symposium Arnold Schönberg in Berlin. Arnold Schönberg Center, Vienna
Pierrot's Cave: Representation, Reverberation, Radiance
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: Schoenberg and Words: The Modernist Years, ed. Charlotte Cross and Russell Berman. New York: G
Moments of Closure: Thoughts on the Suspension of Tonality in Schoenberg's Fourth Quartet and String Trio
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: Music of My Future. The Schoenberg Quartets and Trio, ed. Reinhold Brinkmann and Christoph Wol
2000 | Music and Sound Studies
Gamelan Gong Kebyar: The Art of Twentieth Century Balinese Music
Author: Tenzer, Michael Publication details: Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 492 pages. Weblink: http://press.uchicago.edu Abstract
2000 | Music and Sound Studies
Kim Inu’s ‘P’ungmulgut and Communal Spirit’: Edited and Translated with an Introduction and Commentary
Author: Hesselink, Nathan Publication details: Asian Music 31.1:1-34 (2000) Weblink: www.jstor.org
Modelling Cognitive Distance in Twelve-Tone Music
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: CMI 99, Conference on Musical Imagery: VI. International Conference on Systematic and Comparat
Moments of Closure: Some Thoughts on Schoenberg's Fourth Quartet and String Trio
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: Symposium in honour of David Lewin. Department of Music, Harvard University
An Introduction to Lattices in Twelve-Tone Music
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: Proceedings of ISAMA 99: First Interdisciplinary Conference of The International Society of Th
Partition Lattices in Twelve-Tone Music: An Introduction
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: Journal of Music Theory 43/1: 21-82 Weblink: https://www.jstor.org.ezproxy.library.ubc.ca
1999 | Music and Sound Studies
Two Sides of a Similar Coin: A Common Origin Hypothesis in Honam Region Percussion Band Music/Dance
Author: Hesselink, Nathan Publication details: Tongyang ŭmak [Asian Music] 21:175-200 (1999) Weblink: http://s-space.snu.ac.kr
1999 | Music Theory
Music and Text in Elisabeth Lutyens’s Wittgenstein Motet
Author: Laurel Parsons Publication details: “Music and Text in Elisabeth Lutyens’s Wittgenstein Motet.” Canadian University Music Rev
1999 | Musicology
Paul Hindemith, Gottfried Benn, and the Defense of the Autonomy of Art in the Late Weimar Republic
Author: Fisher, Alexander Publication details: Hindemith-Jahrbuch 28 (1999): 11–53. Weblink: https://www.schott-music.com/en/hindemith-j
1998 | Music and Sound Studies
Of Drums and Men in Chŏllabuk-do Province: Glimpses into the Making of a Human Cultural Asset
Author: Hesselink, Nathan Publication details: Korea Journal 38.3: 292-326 (1998)
1998 | Music Theory
Review of Composition with Pitch-Classes by Robert D.Morris
Author: Roeder, John Publication details: Music Theory Spectrum 11/2: 240 - 251 Weblink: www.jstor.org
Hypermetric and Metric Strategies in Schubert's Instrumental Music
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: Colloque International Franz Schubert: L'Évolution du style instrumental de Schubert. Sorbonn
Soni Rerum Indices: Pierrot lunaire and 'The Relationship to the Text'
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: Department of Music, University of Alberta, Edmonton
1997 | Music Theory
Review of Christopher F. Hasty, Meter as Rhythm
Author: Roeder, John Publication details: Music Theory Online 4.4: 1.1-5.7. Weblink: http://www.mtosmt.org
Music and Poetry, A Wilderness of Doubles: Heine--Nietzsche--Schubert—Derrida
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: 19th Century Music 21/1: 3-37 Weblink: www.jstor.org
Writing, Voice, and Illusion: Schumann's Heine Song Am leuchtenden Sommermorgen
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: Annual Meeting of the American Musicological Society. Baltimore
Dis-regarding Schoenberg's Twelve-Tone Rows: An Alternative Approach to Listening and Analysis for Twelve-Tone Music
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: Theory and Practice 21: 79-122 Weblink: www.jstor.org
1996 | Music and Sound Studies
Geisha, Kouta, and Karaoke
Author: Hesselink, Nathan Publication details: Kyoto Journal 32:18-23 (1996)
1996 | Music and Sound Studies
Changdan Revisited: Korean Rhythmic Patterns in Theory and Contemporary Performance Practice
Author: Hesselink, Nathan Publication details: Han'guk ŭmak yŏn'gu [Studies in Korean Music] 24:143-55 (1996) Weblink: www.dbpia.co.kr
Music and Poetry: A Wilderness of Mirrors
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: Interdisciplinary 19th Century Studies Colloquium Series, Green College, UBC, Vancouver
1995 | Music Theory
A Calculus of Accent
Author: Roeder, John Publication details: Journal of Music Theory 39, no. 1 (Spring, 1995): 1-46 Weblink: http://www.jstor.org Abstract:
Using Topologies to Survey Pitch-Class Spaces
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: West Coast Conference of Music Theory and Analysis. University of British Columbia, Vancouver
Schoenberg's Notes on Coherence: Theory or Prolegomena to the Twelve-Tone Method?
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: Theory and Practice 20: 177-192 Weblink: www.jstor.org
Schubert's Der Doppelgänger: Reflections and Doubles-Entendues
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: Music Colloquium Series, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario
1994 | Music Theory
Voice Leading as Transformation
Author: Roeder, John Publication details: Musical Transformation and Musical Intuition: Essays in Honor of David Lewin. Ed. Raphael Atlas
1994 | Music Theory
Interacting Pulse Streams in Schoenberg's Atonal Polyphony
Author: Roeder, John Publication details: Music Theory Spectrum, Vol. 16, No. 2 (Autumn, 1994), pp. 231-249 Weblink: http://www.jstor.or
1994 | Music Theory
Formal Functions of Hypermeter in the Dies iræ of Verdi's Messa da Requiem
Author: Roeder, John Publication details: Theory and Practice, Vol. 19 (1994), pp. 83-104 Weblink: http://www.jstor.org
An Introduction to the Music of Milton Babbitt by Andrew Mead (review-article)
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: Integral 8: 147-182 Weblink: www.jstor.org
1994 | Music and Sound Studies
Kouta and Karaoke in Modern Japan: A Blurring of the Distinction between Umgangsmusik and Darbietungsmusik
Author: Hesselink, Nathan Publication details: British Journal of Ethnomusicology 3:49-61 (1994) Weblink: www.jstor.org
Schoenberg and Combinatoriality: Another Perspective
November 1993. "Schoenberg and Combinatoriality: Another Perspective." Annual Meeting of the Society for Music Theory. Montreal. Author: Ku
1993 | Music Theory
A MaMuTh Achievement" [Review of Guerino Mazzola's Geometrie der Töne and Gruppen und Kategorien in der Musik]
Author: Roeder, John Publication details: Perspectives of New Music 31/2: 294-312 Weblink: www.jstor.org
1993 | Music Theory
Toward a Semiotic Evaluation of Music Analyses
Author: Roeder, John Publication details: Music Theory Online 0.5: 1-22. Weblink: www.mtosmt.org Abstract: Eco's theory of codes provide
Row-Structure, Rhythm, Register, Voice-Leading, and Form in Schoenberg: A Well-Turned Phrase
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: New England Conference of Music Theorists. Brandeis University, Boston
Mosaic Polyphony: Formal Balance, Imbalance, and Phrase Formation in the Prelude of Schoenberg's Suite, Op.25
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: Music Theory Spectrum 14/2: 188-208 Weblink: www.jstor.org
Mosaic-Rhythm Analysis and Schoenberg's Twelve-Tone Rhetoric
Author: Kurth, Richard Publication details: Joint Meeting of the Music Theory Society of New York State and the Arnold Schoenberg Institut
1991 | Music Theory
Logic-Programming Models of Music: A Semiotic Evaluation
Author: Roeder, John Publication details: Music and Science. Seattle: Center for the Creation and Interdisciplinary Study of Music, Univer
1990 | Music Theory
Pitch and Rhythmic Dramaturgy in Verdi's Lux æterna
Author: Roeder, John Publication details: 19th-Century Music, Vol. 14, No. 2 (Autumn, 1990), pp. 169-185 Weblink: http://www.jstor.org
1990 | Music Theory
A Prolog Program for Music Segmentation
Author: Roeder, John Publication details: Musicus1/2:165-176
1989 | Music Theory
Harmonic Implications of Schoenberg's Observations of Atonal Voice Leading
Author: Roeder, John Publication details: Journal of Music Theory 33, no. 1 (1989): 27-62. Weblink: https://jstor.org
1989 | Music Theory
A General-Purpose Object System for Musical Graphics
Author: Roeder, John and Hamel, Keith Publication details: Proceedings of the 1989 International Computer Music Conference. San Francis
1988 | Music Theory
A Declarative Model of Atonal Analysis
Author: Roeder, John Publication details: Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal 6, no. 1 (1988): 21-34. Weblink: https://jstor.org
1988 | Music Theory
Issues of Representation in the Analysis of Atonal Music
Author: Roeder, John Publication details: Proceedings of the First Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Music, St. Paul, Minnesota. Me
1987 | Music Theory
Música y Teoria de Grupos Finitos: A Review
Author: Roeder, John Publication details: Perspectives of New Music 25, no. 1/2 (1987): 638-41. Weblink: www.jstor.org