one more way to see

Featured UBC Faculty Artist: Jennifer Butler composer

Redshift Records

Released November 4, 2023

Producer/Réalisateur: Jennifer Butler
Recording engineers, digital editing, mastering/Ingénieur de son, montage et transfert numériques: Will Howie and Paul Luchkow
Recorded at/Enregistré à: Pyatt Hall, Vancouver, March 22, 2021 and Philip T. Young, Victoria, November 27, 2021
VSO School of Music: Sydney Trotter; UVIC School of Music: Kristy Farkas
Graphic design/Conception graphique: André Cormier
Photos Programme notes/Notes d’explication: Jennifer Butler

This recording was made possible through the financial assistance of the Canada Council for the Arts. / Cet en- registrement a bénéficié de l’appui financier du Conseil des arts du Canada.