Celestial Sirens and Nightingales: Change and Assimilation in the Munich Anthologies of Georg Victorinus

Author: Fisher, Alexander

Publication details: Journal of Seventeenth-Century Music 14, no. 1
Weblink: http://sscm-jscm.org


The Italianate sacred vocal concerto of the early seventeenth century was transmitted not least through the efforts of northern anthologists. Two anthologies of Georg Victorinus in Munich, Siren coelestis(1616) and Philomela coelestis (1624), containing 200 Latin sacred concertos, demonstrate not only the enthusiasm for the new style in the region, but also the growing importance of vespers as a site for the performance of concerted music. Victorinus’s work with the Munich Jesuits and the contents of both volumes suggest a significant role for the Jesuit colleges as conduits for new sacred music from the south.