Alexander Fisher
Research Area
BMus (Northwestern), MA (Indiana), MA, PhD (Harvard)
Alex Fisher was appointed to the UBC faculty in 2002, and holds degrees from Northwestern University (BMus 1992), Indiana University (MA 1995), and Harvard University (PhD 2001). His interests include German music of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, ritual contexts for sacred music in the early modern era, sound studies, and aspects of music, soundscape, and religious identity in the Reformation and Counter-Reformation. His work, which ranges from sixteenth-century studies to the present day, has been published in the Journal of Musicology, the Journal of the Royal Musical Association, Early Music History, Sixteenth Century Journal, and elsewhere. His books include Music and Religious Identity in Counter-Reformation Augsburg, 1580-1630, which appeared from Ashgate Press in 2004, and Music, Piety, and Propaganda: The Soundscapes of Counter-Reformation Bavaria, 1550-1650, which appeared from Oxford University Press in 2014. A specialist in early wind instruments, he has performed in various early music ensembles, is a co-founder of Cappella Borealis, and co-coordinates the UBC Early Music Ensemble.
Principal research interests include the relationship of music and sound to religious culture and confession in central Europe in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, particularly in the religiously contested borderlands of southern Germany, where musical culture both reflected and was inflected by the consolidation of Protestant churches and the response of Counter-Reformation Catholicism. A further interest is the study of historical soundscapes, embracing music as well as the acoustic environment of artificial and natural sounds.
“Resonances of War and Peace in the Age of Schütz.” Keynote presentation, Symposium on Music and War, Mt. Allison University, Sackville, NB, 26 October 2024.
“Negotiating Confessional Sound and Space in Early Modern Augsburg: Gregor Aichinger’s Solennia (1606) for the Confraternity of Corpus Christi.” Paper delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference (MedRen), Granada, Spain, 9 July 2024.
“Jesuit Catechism, Processional Culture, and the Mobilization of Singing Children in Counter-Reformation Germany.” Paper delivered at Sound Faith: Religion and the Acoustic World, 1400–1800, University of York, 14 June 2024.
“Ad sacrum convivium: The Mediating Role of Confraternal Music in the German Counter-Reformation.” Paper delivered at the Annual Meeting of the American Musicological Society, Denver, CO, 11 November 2023.
“‘Ain Schröckhlichs geschray’: Listening to the Augsburg Soundscape in an Age of Catholic Resurgence.” Presentation delivered at the triennial conference of Frühe Neuzeit Interdiziplinär, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, 3 March 2023.
“‘Der Jugend und allen liebhabern Catholischer Religion zu gutem’: Mobilizing Children’s Song in the German Counter-Reformation.” Paper delivered at the Annual Meeting of the American Musicological Society [virtual], 11 November 2021.
“Jesuit Catechism and Sound Ecologies in Early Modern Cologne.” Paper delivered at the Annual Meeting of the German Studies Association, Indianapolis, IN [virtual], 1 October 2021.
“Bells and Information in Premodern Europe.” Presentation delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of American, Dublin, Ireland [virtual], 22 April 2021.
“Gleich als junge Nachtigallen: The Jesuits and Musical Catechesis in Germany, 1600–1650.” Paper delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Seventeenth-Century Music, Eugene, OR, 18 April 2021.
“Gleich als junge Nachtigallen: The Jesuits and Musical Catechesis in Germany, 1600-1650.” Catholic University of America, Washington, DC, 10 February 2021.
“Shattering the Lightning: Weather Bells, Confessional Space, and the Atmospherics of Demonology in Post-Reformation Germany.” Paper delivered at the Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association (virtual), 8 January 2021.
“‘The Apollo of Franconia’: Reshaping Sound and Confessional Space in Counter-Reformation Würzburg.” Paper delivered at the Annual Meeting of the American Musicological Society, Boston, MA, 1 November 2019. Also delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian University Music Society, Vancouver, BC, 7 June 2019.
“Sound Propaganda: On Sound and Music in Early Modern Religious Persuasion.” Town and Gown Lecture, Division of Late Medieval and Reformation Studies, University of Arizona, 12 March 2019.
“The Soundscapes of 16th-Century Munich.” Paper delivered at the Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference, Maynooth, Ireland, 7 July 2018.
“Sounds and Silences: Reflections on Sound, History, and Religious Culture in Early Modern Germany.” Paper delivered at the symposium The Limits of Aurality, Vancouver, 23 March 2018.
“Musicalische Friedens-Freud: The Westphalian Peace and Music in Protestant Nuremberg.” Paper delivered at Rethinking Europe: War and Peace in the Early Modern German Lands, triennial meeting of Frühe Neuzeit Interdiziplinär, St. Louis, 10 March 2018.
“Shattering the Lightning: Bells and Magic in Reformation Germany.” Paper delivered as part of the series Worlds of Wonder, Green College, University of British Columbia, 14 February 2018.
“Bells and Apotropaic Magic in Reformation Germany.” Paper delivered at the Early Modern Research Cluster, University of British Columbia, 1 December 2017.
“Sounds and Silences: Reflections on Music, Sound, and the Phenomenology of Space in the Confessional Borderlands of the Empire.” Paper delivered at Hearing the City: Musical Experiences as Portal to Urban Soundscapes, Institut d’Estudis Catalans, Barcelona, Spain, 25 September 2015. Versions also presented at the Institut für Musikforschung, Universität Würzburg, 10 November 2015; the University of St. Andrews, 5 February 2016; the University of York, 11 February 2016; the Historisches Seminar, Universität Tübingen, 18 July 2016; and the International Musicological Society, Tokyo, 22 March 2017.
“Jonas Losch und die Augsburger Musik seiner Zeit.” Paper delivered at Jonas Losch, Teutscher Dichter und Komponist des 16. Jahrhunderts, Stadtarchiv Augsburg, 11 July 2016.
“‘The Tongues of the Singing and Sounding Echoed to the Heavens’: Sound and Marian Space in Counter-Reformation Germany.” Paper delivered at Sharing Space in the Early Modern World, The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities, University of Oxford, 25 June 2016.
“Liturgical Music in Munich, c. 1600: The Choirbooks for St. Michael and Unsere Liebe Frau in Context.” Paper delivered at Für Auge und Ohr. Die Chorbücher der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek, Bavarian State Library, Munich, 19 March 2016.
“Naming ‘Confessional’ Music and Sound in Early Modern Germany.” Paper delivered at the triennial meeting of Frühe Neuzeit Interdiziplinär, Nashville, TN, 7 March 2015.
“Bells and Apotropaic Magic in Post-Tridentine Germany.” Paper delivered at For Whom the Bell Tolls: Sound, Time, and Acoustic Communication in the Early Modern World, Institute of Advanced Study, Universität Konstanz, 16 January 2015.
“Reworking the Confessional Soundscape in the German Counter-Reformation.” Paper delivered at Reworkings: Musical Re-elaboration and Cultural Context, Schola Cantorum Basiliensis, Basel, 21 November 2014.
“Mit singen und klingen: Urban Processional Culture and the Soundscapes of Post-Reformation Germany.” Paper delivered at Listening to Early Modern Catholicism: New Perspectives from Musicology, Boston College, 14 July 2014.
“Urban Soundscapes and Religious Persuasion in Early Modern Germany: Observations from the Bavarian Orbit.” Paper delivered at The Early Modern City, University of Cambridge, 12 April 2014; and at the Annual Meeting of the Pacific Northwest Chapter, American Musicological Society, University of Victoria, 29 March 2014.
“A Treasury of Litanies: The Litany, Catholic Devotion, and Confessional Space in Counter-Reformation Germany.” Paper delivered at the Annual Meeting of the German Studies Association, Denver, 4 October 2013.
“Sound, Space, Identity: Historical Soundscapes and Acoustic Communication in Early Modern Religious Culture.” Paper delivered at Acoustic Communication and Soundscape Design, Green College, University of British Columbia, 14 September 2013.
“Emotions and the Soundscapes of Early Modern Pilgrimage.” Paper delivered at Sacred Places, Pilgrimage and Emotions, University of Melbourne, 23 May 2013.
“A Musical Dialogue in Bronze: Gregor Aichinger’s Lacrumae (1604) and Hans Reichle’s Crucifixion Group for the Basilica of SS. Ulrich and Afra in Augsburg.” Paper delivered at the triennial meeting of Frühe Neuzeit Interdiziplinär, Durham, NC, 30 March 2012; at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Seventeenth-Century Music, New York, NY, 21 April 2012; and at the Annual Meeting of the AMS Pacific Northwest Chapter, Edmonton, AB, 28 April 2012.
“The Uses of Bells in Counter-Reformation Bavaria.” Paper delivered at Devotion, Discipline, Reform: Sources for the Study of Religion, 1450-1650, Newberry Library, Chicago, IL, 16 September 2011, and at the Annual Meeting of the American Musicological Society, San Francisco, CA, 11 November 2011.
“Sound, Space, and Catholic Identity in the German Litany of the Counter-Reformation.” Paper delivered at the Annual Meeting of the American Musicological Society, Philadelphia, PA, 15 November 2009, and at the Annual Meeting of the AMS Northwest Chapter, Cheney, WA, 4 April 2009.
“Themes of Exile and (Re-)Enclosure in Music for the Franciscan Convents of Counter-Reformation Munich during the Thirty Years War.” Paper delivered at the triennial meeting of Frühe Neuzeit Interdiziplinär, Durham, NC, 28 March 2008.
“The Burning Thornbush and the Holy Turtledove: Johannes Khuen’s Thoroughbass Songs for the Franciscan Nuns of Counter-Reformation Munich.” Paper delivered at the Annual Meeting of the American Musicological Society, Quebec City, PQ, 3 November 2007.
“Per mia particolare devotione: Orlando di Lasso’s Lagrime di San Pietro and Jesuit Spirituality in Counter-Reformation Munich.” Paper delivered at the Annual Meeting of the American Musicological Society, Washington, DC, 30 October 2005.
“Alls wie mann in krieg pflegt zue thuen: Music and Catholic Processions in Counter-Reformation Augsburg.” Paper delivered at “City Limits? The European City 1400-1900,” Winnipeg, MB, 1 October 2004.
“Approaching Music and Religious Identity in Early Modern Germany: Sacred Music in Augsburg during the Thirty Years War.” Paper delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Seventeenth-Century Music, La Jolla, CA, 15 April 2004.
“‘Gottes Wort’ or ‘Hall und Schall’: Nationalist Historiography and Catholic Music in Post-Tridentine Germany.” Delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America, Phoenix, AZ, 11 April 2002; also at the Annual Meeting of the American Musicological Society, Columbus, OH, October 2002.
“Virginalia Eucharistica: The Latin Vocal Concerto in Counter-Reformation Munich.” Paper delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Seventeenth-Century Music, Lancaster, PA, 21 April 2001.
“Criminal Interrogations as Sources for Musical Culture: Opportunities and Pitfalls.” Paper delivered at “Ways of Knowing,” triennial conference of Frühe Neuzeit Interdiziplinär, Pittsburgh, PA, 20 April 2001.
“Wo es Gott nit mit Augspurg helt: Religious Song and Criminality in Early Modern Augsburg.” Paper delivered at the Annual Meeting of the American Musicological Society, Toronto, ON, 4 November 2000.
“Music and Marian Devotion in Germany, ca. 1580–1630: Strategies of Style, Text and Function.” Paper delivered at the Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association, Chicago, IL, 7 January 2000.
“Paul Hindemith, Gottfried Benn, and the Defense of the Autonomy of Art in the Late Weimar Republic.” Paper delivered at the Meeting of the New England Chapter of the American Musicological Society, April 1997.