Rhythmic and Melodic Techniques of Music in Sign Language
Author: Anabel Maler Publication details: Circuit Musiques contemporaines, Volume 32 Weblink: www.erudit.org Abstract: In this article, I argue that deafness is not a deficit for musical experience; rather, it is a source of musical ability. I do so by summarizing some of the different techniques used by Deaf musicians who create music in a […]
Finding the Beat: Entrainment, Rhythmic Play, and Social Meaning in Rock Music
Author: Hesselink, Nathan Publication details: Finding the Beat: Entrainment, Rhythmic Play, and Social Meaning in Rock Music Weblink: https://www.bloomsbury.com From publisher: Finding the Beat explores humankind’s ability, propensity, and enjoyment in finding the beat in live and recorded experiences of music-making through the lens of entrainment, the human capacity to perceive a beat and to synchronize […]
Italian Opera in Vormärz Vienna: Bartolomeo Merelli, Gaetano Donizetti, and Habsburg Cultural Politics in the mid-1830s
Author: Vellutini, Claudio Publication details: In Italian Opera in Vormärz Vienna: Bartolomeo Merelli, Gaetano Donizetti, and Habsburg Cultural Politics in the mid-1830s: Re-Imagining Italianità, ed. by Axel Körner and Paulo Kühl, 96–112. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. Weblink: https://cambridge.org
Analytical Essays on Music by Women Composers: Concert Music, 1900-1960
Authors: Laurel Parsons with Brenda Ravenscroft, eds. Publication details: Analytical Essays on Music by Women Composers. Vol. 1: Concert Music, 1900–1960, New York: Oxford University Press, 2022 Weblink: global.oup.com Description: Through musical analysis of compositions written in the first half of the twentieth century, Analytic Essays on Music by Women Composers: Concert Music, 1900-1960 celebrates the […]
Sound and the Conversion of Space in Early Modern Germany.
Author: Fisher, Alexander Publication details: Theatres of Belief: Music and Conversion in the Early Modern City, Chapter 3 (2021): 87–104 Weblink: https://www.brepols.net/ Sumary (from www.brepols.net): These eleven essays, all centrally concerned with the intimate relationship between sound, religion, and society in the early modern world, present a sequence of test cases located in a wide variety […]
Polyrhythm Analysis Using the composite Tool
Authors: Poudrier, Ève, Sapp, C.S. Publication details: 9th International Conference on Digital Libraries for Musicology (DLfM2022), July 28, 2022, Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 65-73. ACM, New York, NY, USA Weblink: https://doi.org/10.1145/3543882.3543890 Abstract: We introduce a computational tool that allows comparison and classification of polyrhythms in notated music. By reducing different musical textures into unpitched rhythmic strands, […]
Music and Deafness in the Nineteenth-Century U.S. Imagination
Author: Anabel Maler Publication details: Journal of the Society for American Music, Volume 16 , Issue 2 , May 2022 , pp. 184 – 205 Weblink: cambridge.org Abstract: This article argues that deaf musical knowledge became epistemically excluded from systems of musical thought in the United States as the result of a battle between two […]
Perception of Musicality and Emotion in Signed Songs
Author: Anabel Maler with Heather Harden Mangelsdorf and Jason Listman. Publication details: Music Perception (2021) 39 (2): 160–180. Weblink: online.ucpress.edu Abstract: This study investigated how signed performances express musical meaning and emotions. Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing (HoH), and hearing participants watched eight translated signed songs and eight signed lyrics with no influence of music. The participants […]
The Routledge Companion to Music Theory Pedagogy
Edited by: VanHandel, Leigh Publication details:The Routledge Companion to Music Theory Pedagogy Weblink: https://routledge.com Outstanding Multi-authored Collection Award given for a distinguished multi-author collection for a volume edited by Leigh VanHandel, The Routledge companion to music theory pedagogy. It’s the first pedagogically-oriented scholarship to win a Society for Music Theory Publication award. From publisher: Today’s […]
Living song : an intergenerational investigation of Moravian folk song
Author: Julia Ulehla Publication details: PhD Thesis for the University of British Columbia Weblink: ubc.library.ca Description: Throughout the first half of the 20th century, biologist/ethnomusicologist Vladimír Úlehla (1888-1947) transcribed hundreds of folk songs from Strážnice, his hometown in the rural region of Slovácko, which lies at the border of present-day Czech and Slovak Republics. For Úlehla, Slovácko songs […]